What is Chiropractic?

Botley Clinic has successfully used Chiropractic for over 25 years on thousands of clients


Chiropractic (from the Greek cheiro - hand and praktos - to use) specialises in the detection, correction and prevention of muscle and joint dysfunction, by removing nerve interference, relieving pain and improving health. This is achieved at the Botley Chiropractic Clinic by the use of many different gentle techniques - particuarly S.O.T.

What is SOT?

Sacro Occipital Technique is a comprehensive and advanced concept of chiropractic pioneered and developed through study, research and clinical application by Dr M B De Jarnette.

He found that human structural distortion falls into three groups which he labelled Categories 1, 2 & 3. At birth the human body, usually, has maximum health and maximum tolerance. As one grows many factors put the body under stress. These stresses can be physical, emotional, dietary, traumatic, environmental and probably a combination of several of these. At this point the body adapts and remains symptom free.

Eventually the body's ability to compensate or adapt becomes less, as does its natural tolerance. Structural changes (known as subluxations) to the spine and pelvis will occur, there will be nerve interference and the dura (membrane enclosing the spine and brain) will be put under stress. Symptoms such as pain will then occur. At this point Category 1 would be diagnosed.

When the weight bearing part of the sacro iliac joint (part of the pelvis) becomes mobile a Category 2 would be diagnosed. When the cartilage and the intervertabral discs are involved a Category 3 would be diagnosed.

Chiropractic Care

The SOT approach to chiropractic seeks to stabilise the pelvis and spine (correcting subluxations) by introducing wedge shaped blocks to restore natural balance using the patient's own weight and breathing motion. The blocks may be used in many different positions determined by tests prior to the adjustment.

Your Responsibility as a Patient

Regardless of the technique used, each patient must become involved in his or her own healing process. Eating correctly, resting and minimising stress are very important whilst following instructions given to you by your chiropractor.